

2021-01-22 来源:华驼教育网

  module three  foreign food 教学设计


  period 1: introduction +reading and vocabulary(1)

  period 2: vocabulary and listening + speaking + everyday english

  period3: reading (2)+ writing                

  period 4: reading practice + cultural corner

  period 5: grammar (1) + (2)  

  goals and requirements:

  1.learn some good and useful expressions;

  2.review of attributes and attributive clauses

  3.know more about table manners

  key points:


  1.own to 归功于;应感谢  he owed his success to his family and teachers.

  owe ab. some money= owe some money to sb. 欠某人的钱

  owing to 由于,因为 (辨析: owing to, because of, due to)

  2.cookery n. 烹饪法,烹饪术

  cook v. 烹饪 n. 厨师        cooker n. 炊具

  reading and vocabulary:

  3.quantity n.  in quantity / in large quantities 大量的


  4.obsess v. 使着迷;缠住;使烦扰 

  he ha become obsessed with another man’s wife.

  be obsessed with / by 为……所困扰,迷住

  5.(it’s) no wonder 难怪(后面接从句)

  no wonder he is not hungry; he has been eating sweets all day.

  do / work wonders 创造奇迹     wonder at / about (doing) sth. 对……感到惊讶

  it’s a wonder that 说来也怪      in wonder 惊讶地

  6.end up 结束,结果为   we were to go out, but ended up watching tv.

  end (up) with 以……结束/告终

  end in 结局为……        their marriage ended in divorce.        

  7.manner  方式;方法;举止,态度;礼貌(pl.)

  it’s good manners to do= it’s polite to do   做某事时有礼貌的

  it’s bad manners to do = it’s impolite to do  做某事时没有礼貌的

  manner 当“礼貌”讲时只能用复数,作主语时谓语只能用复数。

  8.make out 看出,理解     i could hardly make out anything in the thick fog.

  i couldn’t make out what he meant.

  make ……out of 用……做成,把……改成

  9.have ……in common 与……有共同点   john and i have nothing in common.

  in common    共同,共有,共用

  in common with   与……有共同点

  out of the common 非同寻常,不平凡

  reading (2)

  10.embarrassing adj. 使人尴尬的,令人为难的,

  embarrass  v. 使窘迫,使尴尬

  embarrassment n. 窘迫;难堪;使人为难的人或事物

  11. in short 总之,简言之   in short, we must be prepared.

  in brief,in a word, in conclusion, in all, in total, all in all简言之,    

  for short  略作

  12.by nature 天生地;出于本性地  she is quiet and shy by nature.

  in nature  本质上的,实际的  

  reading practice 

  13.cattle 牛(集合名词),作主语时谓语动词要用复数  the cattle are in the shed.

  14.consequence n. 后果;结果   i’m quite willing to accept the consequences.

  as a consequence/ in consequence = as a result 因此,结果

  as a consequence of / in consequence of = as a result of 由于……的缘故

  consequent adj.作为结果/后果的

  15.raw 生的;未加工的;生疏无知的,未经训练的  most fruits are eaten raw.

  i’m raw to my work.

  in the raw 顺其自然的;未开化状态的

  16.abundant 丰富的;充裕的        our country is abundant in natural resources.

  be abundant/ rich in sth.  ……丰富,富于……

  cultural corner

  17. fence n. 栅栏,围栏;篱笆     v. 把……用栅栏(或篱笆)围起来

  the garden was surrounded by a wooden fence.

  his property is fenced with barbed wire.

  fence in 用围墙围,封锁 fence off 用栅栏隔开 ,sit / be on the fence观看形势

  18.set fire to 放火烧……    catch(on )fire/ take fire 着火;开始燃烧     

  on fire起火;着火       set……on fire 使燃烧;放火烧



  早餐 午餐 晚餐

  中国 泡饭、咸菜;大饼油条;肉包,豆浆;早老酒,等等 正餐:快餐: 正餐:团聚

  美国 谷类食品(百吉卷)、牛奶、鸡蛋、香肠、咖啡、茶 墨西哥炸玉米卷和新鲜莴苣,(light meal),fast food,burgers, hot dogs,   (heavy meal), 中国餐; 甜食、汤、沙拉、肉、鱼、蔬菜、米饭、面条;饭后咖啡或者茶

  英国 一碗玉米片加牛奶;新鲜水果;土司涂果酱;茶、咖啡、或果汁。 三明治(从家里带去) 通常有两道菜-肉或鱼加蔬菜,之后有甜点,茶



  a)  中国:强调饮食之美,譬如颜色、香味;取名多艺术化:现实主义者如“青椒肉丝”,浪漫主义者如“百鸟朝凤”“孔雀开屏”之类,即便是路边小餐店亦是如此。(组织学生将中国的菜名简单整理并对照附录中的中西菜名)。而西方则是简单的将菜的原料累加,如fish and chips, fried chicken,远比如中国菜的富于想象力。

  b)   西方多强调饮食中的营养搭配以及热量的补充,因此多面食、猪肉、鸡蛋、奶制品等,(故事一:饭店如药店)而事实上却未见其搭配的合理,胖子多于中国;西方对卫生相当严格,而中国主素食,大多写意,菜的颜色和搭配比如西方浓重,尤其是汤的配置(西方汤中多用牛奶之类),这恰与其他如音乐、美术相通(扩展讲解!)

  c)  西方用刀叉而东方用筷子,文雅之争论便因此而起。

  d)  中国因为饮食文化的丰富,因此便有了各地的菜系:八大名菜:川、鲁、粤、杨、湘、浙、闽、徽,尤其是前四系;另外有诸如拉拉面、天津麻花等地方小吃。

  e)   餐店的流行:西方诸如肯德鸡、麦当劳、必胜客(pizza hut);中国诸如永和豆浆、北京烤鸭等。快餐店越来越流行。

